
When God Takes A Woman To Her Husband

Some today are delayed or failing to meet their husbands simply because they are unwilling to co-operate with the LORD God. They want to do things their own way, they want to get their godly husband based on their own terms, they want to meet their husband based on their own age or calendar schedules, they want to date and court based on their own understanding.
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Being Pretty Won’t Earn You True Confidence

Ever since I was a little girl, I always remember being called "cute or pretty". As I grew older into a teenager, the compliments grew to gorgeous, attractive etc. Sometimes when walking on the street, I would be stopped by women, guys and little children; just to say something nice and give a sweet compliment. This progressively developed to being approached, on a few occasions, by modelling agents and/or a newspaper agent, asking if I would consider being a model. Though my parents raised me up to be humble, to not base my worth on looks but on what's inside the heart; in all this I began to be somewhat "big headed". A so called "confidence" began to grow.
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The Traits of An Esther Anointing or Calling

When you carry an Esther anointing, you have to know that you are always going to be a target of envy and jealousy. When Esther was readily receiving extra beauty treatments and had 7 more maid servants added to her, do you think all the other women in the palace were happy about this?...
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The shortest Spring but longest Summer

God is on the move right now even for those who can't see it! It will take His eyes to see it. After this dream, I knew that we were actually in Spring according to God's season. Right now many of God's children who have been in Winter (a time of barrenness, waiting and being doormat) are actually going into Spring right now or are actually in Spring right now!
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