Our God is practical, He is a doing God, and we see this throughout Genesis chapter 1 in the creation of the earth, heavens and everything in them. We see the Spirit of God’s prolific power and move over the waters before God spoke, made and created. Likewise, we need to allow the Holy Spirit to move, empower and give us direction concerning the dreams inside of us. As you read this blog, I pray that the Holy Spirit will quicken the Word of God in you, that you may speak it and do it to the fruition of your dreams!

God the Father has wired you and me with the probabilities of walking in His likeness of “doing” and “saying”. When we carry His Spirit in us through faith in His only begotten Son Jesus Christ; we receive power, wisdom and strength to look like Him in our walk and talk, and function like Him in our walk and talk. He created us to look and function like Him through the same characteristics as Him! This means in Christ; we can be joyful, peaceful, faithful, long-suffering, gentle and exercise self-control as we walk towards and into the reality of our dream and vision. This year of 2021, the Spirit of God has pressed upon my heart concerning the dreams, gifts and abilities He has deposited in God’s children! Beloved, this is what He has put in me to remind and impress it in you too, that you:
Can Dream Again.
Don’t stop dreaming.
Fight for your dream.
Nurture your dream.
Walk in the reality of your dream.

A young boy named Joseph, whom God gave a dream at the age of 17 years old; a plan and dream that seemed bigger than him, his background, life experiences, upbringing, family and nationality. Joseph received two dreams that had one meaning, but those he shared them with ridiculed, scoffed, envied and even hated him. As written below:
Now Joseph had a dream, and he told it to his brothers; and they hated him even more. So he said to them, “Please hear this dream which I have dreamed: There we were, binding sheaves in the field. Then behold, my sheaf arose and also stood upright; and indeed your sheaves stood all around and bowed down to my sheaf.” And his brothers said to him, “Shall you indeed reign over us? Or shall you indeed have dominion over us?” So they hated him even more for his dreams and for his words. Then he dreamed still another dream and told it to his brothers, and said, “Look, I have dreamed another dream. And this time, the sun, the moon, and the eleven stars bowed down to me.” So he told it to his father and his brothers; and his father rebuked him and said to him, “What is this dream that you have dreamed? Shall your mother and I and your brothers indeed come to bow down to the earth before you?” And his brothers envied him, but his father kept the matter in mind.
Genesis 37:5-11
2020 has been a very tough year for most people globally, perhaps even tough enough to kill a dream. Today I want to give your attention to the dreams that God put inside of you. Yes, not just the vision (or dream) but also the plans, goals, gifts, ambitions (that are not selfish), resources, objectives, and songs in your heart; are you still carrying them, or have you decided to abort them?

Has doubt, laziness, disappointment, complacency, externally influenced pessimism, discouragement, and fear; interrupted your dream’s conception and birth-story? The same Father who sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to restore the Church to fellowship with Him wants you to rise and restore the destiny attached to your dream.
Do not give up on that dream! Have faith for it so you can fight for, tend, keep, nurture and grow it!
Beloved, it may take making some changes that can accommodate the fruition of that dream God deposited in you!
Perhaps relational changes? Environment changes? Business changes, Goal changes, Financial changes? Friendship changes? Ministry changes? Beloved, you know the changes and what it will take to get there. I encourage you this week to sit down and count the cost of your dream then include the Holy Spirit by allowing Him to help, teach, counsel and lead you in the execution of it.

I leave you with this urgent Word of God:
Arise and Shine for your light has come! Isaiah 60:1 is practical!
In His Service
Dephne Aviyah

Get Dephne’s Latest Book
The Art of Being Private (building in silence)
18 comments on “Have Faith For The Dream God Gave You”
AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! THANK YOU SO MUCH for BEING obedient. I was watching, your video on praying to God for longer hair on YouTube. And the holy spirit lead me to this website! I am glad you are the vessel, God has chosen to use to remind us of, his love & faithfulness!!!! May our heavenly father continue to keep & bless, you & your family!!!!
Amen this is beautiful, TFS!
You are an awesome young woman of God. May you continue to receive the Blessings of God because you are a true blessing to other people.
God bless you and your new husband.
Miss Newton
Congratulations on your writings I still have more to read.
SONS’ name, YESHUA !!
× 3💯 !!! THANK🌹YOU !!
YOU , Woman of GOD !!
1.27.2021 9:51 PM-
Moureen Kalemba
Thank you so muchb for this word!
It was very timely. I hbad just had a talk about dreams with a friend today.
May God bless you Mrs. Aviyah
Pearlita Nurse
What a confirmation for me I only had a dream about the man God show me that will be my husband ,Wow!! Woman of God you are such a blessing to my life I always look forward to be seeing you and getting a word from You,May God continue to bless you and your husband in the name of Jesus.
Thank you so much for this word to us Dephne. I was fasting today and The Lord asked me to sing the verses of Isaiah 60 and 61. I was feeling so down and sang it reluctantly, at times crying. This has confirmed The Lord’s words to me. It is indeed time for those who have been bowed down to arise! Thank you so much again beautiful sister.
Jimmy T Mair
Thanks Daphne,
This message has encouraged me tremendously,
God bless you!
Thank you woman of God
This was awoke up call for me
May God bless you
Thanks so much for sharing 💕 , I really need to hear these at this time as I almost gave up recently. God bless you much 🙏🏼
Thank you Dephne. I have been feeling so discouraged. I pursued something that was a spiritual counterfeit and it hit me off my feet. It’s so hard. I feel like I blew it. I tasted deliverance and I was hasty. I cry because my heart is broken and I am hurt. I’m afraid to step out again. I needed this
Holly Parson
Thank you my dear sister!!! This was confirmation stop looking at what God showed me, but get up and tend to it. I have been lazy, thinking thst I will call at this thing too, or I am a failure. But your words reminded me that failing us not starting. God bless you and your husband for yall obedient to the Lord. Thank you for blessing us with this powerful word of wisdom! 🙌🏽
Imorataria Dogood AKPUFU
Your words for weeks now have been speaking to me. Thank you for all you do for the kingdom
Jasmine Frost
Amazing word from the Lord! So much confirmation and thank for your obedience in reminding us to wait on the Lord, tend our gardens with all due diligence, and that dream will come to pass in His timing! Thank you and God bless!!!
Zamile Ncama
My God my God.. My dear sister let me tell you something…. It is for this exact reason that you could not post for wisdom Wednesday…… That I may find myself here….. God just confirmed what He’s been speaking to me e about….. Thank you for being lead by the Holy Spirit….
Maria M. Grady
Daphne you are such a wonderful child to me. I admire you do much. I am happy that you got a hold of that right life in CHRIST an live it for us elders an the young folk your age an younger. I just about you an your closeness to GOD with some of my family members. Letting them know living for GOD works. An HE is still accepting mankind onto HIS Kingdom. An what a wonderful work these young people are doing. You an your husband. Thanks for the encouragement. I am believing on an seeing me an my 6 children an their devine destiny spouse an mine In ministry unto the LORD for HIS people. Being soul winners an love to the BRIDE AN BODY of CHRIST.
Love You Dear. Stay in love with GOD an Claude. AMEN
Thelma McQuarley
Phenomenal words !!! I will ask God to help me remind myself of my dreams and goals again. Life from 2020 did discourage me but with Christ I’m anew. Thank you for sharing this blog. God keep you always, Sis in Christ