My Holiday Book Reading List

At every stage of life there are certain lessons we need to learn and get extra advice on from friends or those who have more knowledge than us. This is how I feel about books! To me it’s like sitting down with the Author who wrote the book and getting extra advise on an area of my life that I need to work on, develop, sharpen and/or perfect. I thought I’d share with you some amazing books that I’m currently reading! They will open your eyes to wisdom on spending & budgeting; truths on sowing, giving and helping the poor; fundamental issues of world systems designed to bring debt… AND MORE!

Why I’m Reading These?

For the last 1.5 years I’ve been led to mature in the area of Finances, precisely God’s financial economy system and structure. It has been quite a journey of undoing old habits and renewing my mind to God’s ways and Truth. I’m so very grateful! I came across this Author named John Avanzini in passing online last year, then the LORD instructed me in a dream to purchase one of his books and that’s when I discovered more of his books when I was scouring the Internet, they are hard to find! I’ve now been reading his books for the past 4 months when I get a chance especially in-between transits to university. I highly recommend these 3 books for those who want to walk in the knowledge of their true identity in the area of Finances and also those who want to sharpen the way they look at giving, helping the poor, sowing, spending, beguiling ways into debt, getting out of debt, saving and more! God bless x

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The Art of Being Private (building in silence) 

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