The shortest Spring but longest Summer

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This early morning I had a series of dreams where God was speaking to me about a change of seasons, namely Winter, Spring and Summer. I knew that this was an immediate Word that has begun this month for God’s children. It is happening all over in the spiritual realm but those who are prepared and ready will see it. 2019 is going to have the shortest Spring season but longest Summer (spiritually). It’s written:

For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing has come, And the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.

song of solomon 2:11-12

I was in a moving vehicle but we sat as if on a round table, the vehicle was moving and I was speaking with 2 men who I believe are angels and one looked younger than the other one. We were speaking of seasons. The younger man gave attention to the weather. As I looked out, I saw it was bright and sunny… well, in real life we have just had snow a few days ago so we are definitely in winter physically (no mistake about that)! In the dream the skies were almost blue and it’s as if we were in Spring but almost in Summer yet in my mind I knew we were in February. Then He began to say that Summer is coming. I then agreed with him and it’s like I had a knowing that winter was actually finished. I could sense it was very warm outside, it was as warm as May will feel like in the UK. Then we spoke about how Summer is going to be very long because it was about to start very early. The older looking man was just in agreement but didn’t say much.

When I woke up I didn’t think much of it until it was quickened in my spirit and I was filled with great joy and astonishment. God is on the move right now even for those who can’t see it! It will take His eyes to see it. After this dream, I knew that we were actually in Spring according to God’s season. Right now many of God’s children who have been in Winter (a time of barrenness, waiting and being doormat) are actually going into Spring now or are actually in Spring right now! However, it is such a subtle Spring and very unusual, it actually doesn’t make sense, hence, the Spirit of the LORD has to open your eyes to see that you are in Spring (new beginnings, revival, transition) because if you blink you might miss it, since the season of Spring is going to be so short and quick! Basically, God is doing new things quickly, so don’t miss what He is presenting to you! Normally seasons are 2-3 months but Spring is going to be like a couple of days before it transitions into Summer ( harvest time).

“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near.

Mark 13:28

God has set things up such that it will be a bit shocking. People who have been barren for so long or are in waiting are suddenly going to be in a time of harvest and not just any harvest but a long harvest of reaping God’s good and perfect promises for them! The angels are already ushering in the new season! May this move of God also be your testimony in the next days & months! May His new beginnings register in your heart and spirit, such that you grab them before they go! May your season of barrenness suddenly become a season of harvest even according to God’s will!

In His Service


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12 comments on “The shortest Spring but longest Summer

I feel the prsence of God and I recieve this word!

I feel it in my spirit

Since the beinging of January I have feeling it in my spirit and I know its time for harvest . praised the Lord.

May we as believers catch this revelation and not miss this season! Help us, Lord!

AMEN! Thank you so much Dephne for the word…I’m so much waiting for my summer…I need to experience God’s goodness and promises upon my life for His name’s sake!

I receive! This blessed me sis! Thank you for your obedience!

Since Dephne spoke of a dream that dealt with a sudden transition from winter to summer I thought I would share a part of a dream that I had two nights ago. In the dream, I woke up and I had a distinct impression that a water line to one of my bathrooms had frozen and burst. Last week we had wind chills of a minus 38 degrees so I got up, went to the bathroom, and everything was fine. I could hear the wind howling outside and for some reason, and I have no idea why, I decided to open the window. As soon as I had opened it only about an inch the wind caught it and I had to grab a latch for fear the wind might tear the window off.

Instantly the wind became quiet and I went ahead and opened the window. When I leaned out, it was as if I were in early summer. It was quiet and I even saw a firefly at the corner of the house. As I have already mentioned I have left out portions of this dream and I am only mentioning the dream at all, because of Daphne’s dream about the sudden transition from winter to summer. I had noticed the drastic change from frozen pipe temperatures to spring-like weather, but to be honest, I just thought it was a part of a dream and not important. Without all of the other details, I know it is not much of a dream…sorry.

Amen!! I agree that my season of Harvest is upon me!!

Amen!!! I feel it in my spirit! My long harvest season is here and I will reap God’s good and perfect promises for my life!🙏🏽


Very nice!


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