The Traits of An Esther Anointing or Calling

You’re probably here because you’re curious to know if your life or your story is truly mirrored to Esther’s? Perhaps you are just interested to know what such a calling or anointing looks like in the 21st century? Has God or certain people told you that you have an Esther anointing or are an Esther but you don’t understand how or why? Knowing the kind of anointing, grace, story or calling you have will help you to also know the kind of warfare this attracts. I pray that the following truths and revelations may bring edification and clarity to you, even as the Holy Spirit also confirms and speaks to you as you read. Amen.

A Difficult Childhood or Past

And Mordecai had brought up Hadassah, that is, Esther, his uncle’s daughter, for she had neither father nor mother. The young woman was lovely and beautiful. When her father and mother died, Mordecai took her as his own daughter.

Esther 2:7 (NKJV)

When we study the book of Esther we see a clear picture of the kind of childhood Esther had. It is one of humble beginnings, disappointments and almost a sense of enigma surrounding her. Esther’s parents died when she was very young and her uncle became both her mother and father in raising her up. You have to understand that when you are called to be an Esther, you become a target from the womb and strange things may begin to happen to you as a child, things that can bring some sort of trauma to the average person for the purpose of breaking you down and stalling you. You become a direct threat to the kingdom of darkness, when you are handpicked to bring deliverance to a specific people, generation or timeline. If you study the lives of every man or woman in the bible that was called to bring deliverance to people; you will certainly see that their childhood or upbringing was usually unusual! Does this ring a bell regarding your own life? Yet, in God’s unfailing grace, will and power, He enables you to survive through and be empowered rather than destroyed. You may have gone through so much and have asked God “why me?” but do you realise that what you went through is not survivable by anyone else? You are chosen to walk through that fire for a greater purpose that edifies other lives. What you went through is actually working out for your good and anointing. It’s also important to note that the difficult things Esther went through before becoming queen, are not directly caused by her own choices (this is the same for other deliverers like Moses, David, Ruth etc). It’s crucial to understand that one’s own mistakes, errors, bad patterns or bad judgements in life that they eventually matured out of or grew from, do not solidify them as an “Esther called for such a time as this”. If you lived recklessly due to your own bad decisions in your childhood or upbringing and are using this to justify “being an Esther who is called for such a time as this”, please consider carefully what you are saying and really take time to seek God for a confirmation. The Esther anointing is one that you either have or you don’t, seeing as you need grace to fight the battles that come with this type of anointing and also humility to walk in the blessings/honour that this anointing attracts. For example, you can’t call yourself a prophet when you are really an evangelist because there are battles that only prophets can overcome that an evangelist cannot, likewise, there are certain abilities that an evangelist has when winning souls, that a prophet does not have. May God bring you divine clarity regarding the battles you faced growing up, to now.

A Unique but Painful Wilderness Process

Each young woman’s turn came to go in to King Ahasuerus after she had completed twelve months’ preparation, according to the regulations for the women, for thus were the days of their preparation apportioned: six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with perfumes and preparations for beautifying women.

Esther 2:12 (NKJV)

Many imagine the process of being drenched, massaged and rubbed with oils and perfumes for 12 months; to have been an enjoyable and relaxing process! Yet, that beautiful facet is far from the full pictured truth of this story. During these treatments, there were also moments that Esther was being poked, pricked and pinched. Yes, painful days when unwanted hairs were pulled out and her skin was primed through a pruning process. Indeed, weeks when Esther would need to be completely naked and vulnerable as her skin, hair and body were being assessed, judged and prepared by wiser people; in order to be perfect for a king! This anointing requires perfection before you are released in the area that you need to function. You cannot be mediocre! Ponder on this… is it really enjoyable or exciting to be told that such and such a part of your body doesn’t look, smell or feel (touch) good and needs to be worked on or even changed? How many will take such criticism with no offence but with true humility and a teachable heart? Nowadays, we can’t even correct our own brothers or sisters in the church, without offending them! Esther’s difficult upbringing would have prepared her for this very difficult season in the palace! I believe that Esther was humble enough to learn and obey instructions even when receiving constructive criticism. Her season of being critiqued about what she eats and wears, being asked what to do, told how to do it and when to do it; was part of the process to becoming the queen to a king who ruled nations. Those who were used to being spoilt in their upbringing, those who were adamant in getting what they want or nothing and those who were accustomed to making tantrums and being impatient; were most probably thorns in the eyes of the maidservants giving treatments and to Hegai the king’s eunuch.

Today, the Holy Spirit Himself is doing a daily job in us, of helping us to be better Christians and He often corrects us but some of us shrug our shoulders and pretend like we didn’t hear Him. When He tells you 5 hours later that, “the attitude you had when you spoke to such and such a person was not in line with such and such a scripture”… how do you really respond to God in your heart and mind, when He corrects you? Do you submit so that you can grow even more or do you reject His corrections and do what you want, to the point of being a dried up branch in the area that He is correcting you in? The bible says in John 15:2 (NKJV), “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” Dear reader, understand that these 12 months, split into 2 types of treatments, were not a rosy process but a wilderness process that mirrors diamonds in the rough, being cut and refined for beautiful use. This process is what distinguishes a real Esther from a false one. This is the process that God tests you spiritually, psychologically, emotionally and physically. For example, God may have called your marriage for such a time as this, so prior to marriage or during marriage, He will put you and your spouse or spouse to be, through a process of refinement to make sure that you are both rich in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, concerning how you walk & act towards each other, whether this takes 7 years or 1 year to accomplish; before He presents the magnitude of people He is wanting your marriage to reach to. Another examples is, God may have called you to ministry for such a time as this, you can be a great preacher, prophet or even evangelist but all the doors will be closed and you will be on the shelf, preaching to 10 people for a few years until you are ready. In the process, He will be testing and making sure you are humble enough, prayerful enough, faithful enough and completely sold out, before He introduces an international platform to you. This is what separates false Esthers from real Esthers. The real Esthers endure to the end and are found worthy of their call! Every Esther has to make the sacrifice that is needed on behalf of other people’s lives and God knows all things. Those who don’t make the sacrifice, were never fit to be carry the anointing. There is a price to pay. Dear Esther, you must fight for and endure the process to the palace, for this is the purpose of the Esther anointing, it is placed on you as a demand, for the benefit of other people. You are not an Esther so that you can show how good you can preach, how good you can sing, how good you look, how blessed your marriage is but it is for the deliverance of other people.

Your Godly Character (especially humility) Is Your Weapon

Now when the turn came for Esther the daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai, who had taken her as his daughter, to go in to the king, she requested nothing but what Hegai the king’s eunuch, the custodian of the women, advised. And Esther obtained favor in the sight of all who saw her. 

Esther 2:15 (NKJV)

Esther was someone who listened, was teachable and is marked by her humility. The Esther anointing can self-sabotage you, if you have pride. You cannot have this kind of anointing and not be humble because you will not get far, hence, it is dangerous to be anointed and not equipped enough. One of the reasons why Esther was able to obtain the heart of her king was due to her ability to trust and reverence those she met, before she met the king! Yes, her ability to listen, submit and trust Hegai the eunuch who was in charge of her at the time, made her a front runner to the great blessing & promotion! These virtues demonstrated the wisdom that Esther encompassed. Her ability to use wisdom through her reverence of others, won the hearts of many and obtained her favour. There are so many beautiful , gifted and talented people in this world but be assured that the inner beauty is what will shine through, making those who are beautiful even more appealing, those who are gifted even more inspiring, those who are intelligent even more attractive. It’s written in Proverbs 11:22, “Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.” Your godly character is what will open doors for your anointing to be fully accessible to others. After all, you are an Esther for the benefit of others but if you have pride and are self conceited, this means that you are of no use to other people, since your focus is on yourself and your own needs! Without the right character, your anointing will not reach the places it needs to reach, no matter how good-looking you are on the outside, no matter how good you can preach in a room, no matter how skilled you are, no matter how much you pray and fast; your godly character is your weapon of progress! There are certain doors that will simply not open until you mature. Therefore, for Esther, the door to the king’s throne as queen, opened up for her after she demonstrated wisdom in taking what the eunuch Hegai advised and taking only that, nothing else! Ponder on this… all the other women decided to take in to the king what they thought is ideal but Esther used wisdom and trusted those close to the king, rather than trusting herself. She sought Hegai’s counsel. Dear reader, look at your daily walk, do you take the advice that the Holy Spirit gives you? How do you reverence this God who sees your secrets and private life? What do you think of people above you, do you dis-respect them in your thoughts or see them as useless to your path? How do you take advice in general? It is very much possible to be an Esther but be stuck in the king’s palace still having treatments daily because your character is not yet right before God! At such a time as this, God is looking at character because the time is so short and He will surely choose/find another Esther who is more fitted to accomplish His desires and will; if you remain in rebellion. Therefore, get wisdom! As you journey through this life, you will need the counsel of those close to the King of kings! Esther sought the king’s eunuch’s counsel. Yes, as an Esther, you will need those who are spiritually mature to be around you and help you flow smoothly through the meanders of life. Which brings me to the next part.

You Will Always Have A Few “Close” Friends

Now the young woman pleased him, and she obtained his favor; so he readily gave beauty preparations to her, besides her allowance. Then seven choice maidservants were provided for her from the king’s palace, and he moved her and her maidservants to the best place in the house of the women.

Esther 2:9 (nkjv)

Dear reader, if you are an Esther, your close friends have to understand your anointing, as those same people will eventually crack and their real hearts will be exposed if they don’t understand your anointing. Here’s why! When you carry an Esther anointing, you have to know that you are always going to be a target of envy and jealousy. When Esther was readily receiving extra beauty treatments and had 7 more maid servants added to her, do you think all the other women in the palace were happy about this? When Esther was being moved to the best place in royal palace, while the rest of the women including the same girls she started with in that journey, were left behind; do you think those women were happy about this? The reason why you will face problems in the area of friendships is because of your “favour”. The life of a true Esther anointing will be marked by moments of types of perpetual “favour” and “promotion” even in the wilderness, due to God’s compassion. Certain things that are uncommon will be common to you, certain blessings that others have to pray and fast for, you will receive without fasting nor praying. There is a grace over your life because of this anointing. This grace is what others will be intimidated by. Yesterday, I was having a conversation with the LORD and He began to say to me “there’s a reason why Esther’s closest friend was Mordecai.” I started to think about it and thought, how odd… we don’t hear of Esther’s close-like friends except Mordecai. Dear reader, when you think of a close friend, what do you think of? A close friend is actually a very powerful force in your life! They can make or break you. They are not only an advisor and insider but they also have power to influence you and vice versa because you share everything with them without fear. A close friend knows at least 80% of your life and has access to you and your destiny. Please understand that those who truly carry an Esther anointing do not have many close friends, not because they don’t want to but because it is actually impossible. This is because for an Esther anointing to flourish, it can only be close to a Mordecai anointing. If you want to grow you must locate your Mordecai! Mordecai’s are like mentors & they are real die hard friends. They are not jealous of you, they are not trying to use you, they are not envious of you, they are not secretly competing with you but they are truly and purely after your well being, concerning everything in your life. Dear Esther, your Mordecai will never be after your future spouse or your spouse (such a person with a Jezebel spirit). Your Mordecai will not seek after your money or your opportunities, for example, only helping you or being around you in order to get something from you (such a person who is a social climber or dishonest). Your Mordecai will not be intimidated by your breakthroughs and future goals (through imitation or discouraging you). Discern your Mordecai! May God show you your Mordecai(s), even today, in Jesus name!

And every day Mordecai paced in front of the court of the women’s quarters, to learn of Esther’s welfare and what was happening to her.

Esther 2:11 (NKJV)

Your Mordecai is not at peace until he/she sees that you are winning in life, even if this is on a daily/weekly basis through their prayers, encouragement and good actions! Indeed, for Esther to be who she is, Mordecai helped in moulding her to be who she is, he took part in helping her maintain the level of success she had on the throne which is demonstrated in Esther 4:13-14. Hence, Esther’s closest friends are people who are more mature than her, those who can direct and correct her. It’s not to say you can’t be friends with people who are not spiritually mature like you or more mature than you but it’s to emphasise that the grace upon your life requires (like you need oxygen) those who are like minded and more mature than you, to be close to you! For many people are going to come around your life because this kind of anointing & grace attracts different kinds of people but don’t allow this to cloud your discernment and heart. Not all who are coming to you, qualify to sit with you on your high table at your wedding with your king/queen. Not all who are coming, need to go with you to the best room in the palace. Not all who are coming to you, have to know about the deep secrets and experiences of your childhood or life. This anointing demands quietness! Guard your heart with all diligence because among those around you, be prepared for Jezebel to fight your position, be prepared for Haman to fight your calling. Yes, be prepared for false smiles and convincing compliments that stench of envy, by those who claim to like or even love you. Arise and walk with discernment when you carry this kind of grace, especially if you are not yet on the throne, for many are looking to see you fail. Arise, if you are now on the throne, some are looking to get your position, place and price. If it is to do with your love life, these people will make up lies and believe their own delusions that are not true, in order to feel better about themselves. If it’s your ministry, they will try to fight it or break it by causing confusion. If it’s your beauty, talents or gifts, they will try to undermine this, in order to discredit you. However, a true Esther has humility, grace and love in their heart, which will always give him/her the leverage to overcome. Esther, whatever warfare you are going through today, you will overcome and God will mature you even more in the process.

I pray that these traits gave you insight to your true place and position God has called you to but most importantly, seek Him to clarify and confirm that you carry this kind of anointing. My goal was to help you identify pieces of yourself through those who have walked before you. My prayer is that you allow God to guide and lead you as you journey on to the place He has pre-destined you. Remember, be humble, teachable, prayerful and obedient to His Word and you will go far! Lastly, it is God who calls then chooses, not ourselves.

In His Service


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51 comments on “The Traits of An Esther Anointing or Calling

Thank God, and thank you for this post..It’s enlightening. I can identify with all and more of what you have said. I never thought of carrying an anointing until a prophet said it to me. He also said something about having governmental authority. Your post helped to identify the traits, but I feel i still need to dig much deeper to connect things to each other so I can move ahead with confidence, understanding the posture and walk such anointing requires to be an effective carrier.Thank you.

This is an excellent read. I truly enjoyed it.

What an amazing and spot on narrative. This i everything ive been going through all my life.

Wow, Thank you for sharing. i pray that god will continue to use you mightly.

Thank you, Dephne! What a thorough and fascinating teaching that explains so much! I’m grateful for this great read.

Thanks so much Dephne, I’m so amazed at the information you brought forward about Esther anointing, your explanation regarding friends is exactly what I’m going through.
Mentioning that it’s hard for Esther to have friends even when she would be willing has the explanation of what im going through right now.
Thank you

Thankyou so much for this. Been looking for such a write up/ material. And this has really been of great help. More grace and favour. Look forward to more write ups from you along the Esther Ministry.

І know this website offers qᥙality depending pоsts and additiоnal information, is tһere any other web site which presents such stuff in quality?

The Lord placed on my heart to Read The book of Esther I WANTED TO know Why so I was INSTRUCTED TO Read It AND Still needed TO Know WHAT That has to do with my life now and Why so I been Researching Esther AND I came across YoUr Info AND It has reallY intrigued My Life AND Makes Me Want TO Dig Deeper To know How She applies TO Me and Where I Am at in my life now
I bless you my SISTER ❤️

Beautiful, Dephne, I was so blessed by this confirmed word by the holy spirit concerning the ester anointing, and how god uses are pain for others to glean from. Continue to allow god to use you to empower others to walk in their destinies and living fearless. God bless u and your ministry

amen amen, thank you for these encouraging words and God bless you more!

Нi there, I enjoy reading through yoսr post. I wantеd to wrіte a little comment to ѕuppօrt you.

This was an awesome read, thank you for the insight. Hod bless you.

Hі there! This post couⅼⅾ not be written any better!
Reading thгough this pοst reminds me of mу old
room mate! He always kept talking aƅout this. I will fߋrward this article tο him.
Pretty sure he will һave a ɡood reаd.
Many thanks for sharing!

This article was DEFINITELY inspired by the holy spirit. Thank you for your OBEDIENCE to writing this. I have prayed for about a year concerning why I endured certain things and I have been told i had a esther ANOINTING on my life. Now this all makes sense. The anointing is Placed on you for a SPECIFIC purpose ordained by god. God bless you and may your ministry expand to larger TERRITORY.

Thank you for this breakdown of the “Esther anointing”. May God continue to bless you exceedingly and abundantly.

NOW I UNDERSTAND WHY I HAD SUCH A DIFFICULT CHILDHOOD NOW I understand the jealousy of so many, both women and men! Now I understand why I treasure my mentors and have only a couple of good friends thank you for reminding me to stay humble while accepting the favour of god on my life that continues to be with me to this I understand why my name means “of noble Rank” and also “kind and of Noble Rank”. You understand because you too have the Esther anointing .n christ adelina

I read this article it give me new turn of life be blessed I’m anoited

Wow! I feel like you just explained so much of my life over the last 10+ years! Thanks so much for sharing this with us! I’m so grateful to have come across this! May God bless and increase you more and more, you and your children!

Thank you so much for availing yourself to be used by God. God richly bless you.

Thank you for this. Exactly what I needed to read today. A true confirmation for me in this season.

Thank you so much. Needed to hear this.

Thanks so much for the clarification..such a great insight..had a revelation about my anointing, and you just clarified things in-depth…God bless you sis.

Thank you.

So good!

Thank you for the clarification. You are a blessing to many.

Thank you, il stop weeping the way i do and intensify in prayer. its not personal its a ministry and you have given me the package. God increase you

Thank you so much may God bless you abundantly

Thank you so much may God bless you abundantly

Thank you so much may God bless you abundantly

Thank you so much may God bless you abundantly

Thank you, il stop weeping the way i do and intensify in prayer. its not personal its a ministry and you have given me the package. God increase you

THis was a very enlightening INSIGHT to Esther. This answered some prayers i had for years. God bless you.

Thank you so much for your write up. You have given me even more clarity to the questions I have been asking to myself. It explains the strive to always seek relief, no friends and more…

I was really blessed reading this. thank you so much, you cleared alot for me.

Woman of God…I am Speechless! Thank you. May God continue to bless you.

Thank you so much for letting the Lord use you! You have given me so much clarity and insight into what the true calling of Esther is I pray that the Lord will continually bless you in your life and bless all the works of your hands!💗

May God bless you and increase your wisdom and knowledge in jesus name I was blessed happy that I read through. Please I remember In your prayers thank you.

I had a prophet tell me many years ago that I had the favor of Ruth. When I wrote this down later, I also wrote Esther. I wasn’t sure why I kept feeling Esther even though I was told Ruth. I haven’t thought much about it since then, but I feel like I have clarity (have had an revelation) since reading this. I felt in my spirit than I have the Favor of Ruth and the Anointing of Esther. Thank you for your word Dephne!

Correction: I felt in my spirit “that”…..

Thank you very much. Praise God for working in and through you Amen.

God has been giving me certain dreams since last week & I now understand what He was saying. Thank you sis Dephne for allowing Him to use you.

Thank you Dephne

So much learned I love Gods word thank you for availing yourself ❤️

So much learnt thank you Sis Dephne. Keep teaching us please. May God continue to bless you..

Amazing post Dephne! I truly believe I have this anointing upon my life and I’ll continue to let the Lord lead me the place He has pre-destined for me. Thank you so much for this insight! May God continue to use you🙏🏽

I needed this right at this moment. The bible says God knows what we need before we ask and I was just thinking about a situation when my notification came through. Thank you for being obedient and sharing.

This is incredibly interesting. I’ve never thought about this particular type of annointing but I definitely see a lot of parallels to my life. Other parts I’m a bit unsure about only because of the tough season I’m in, but I’ll be praying for clarity. God bless you for your obedience in sharing this!

God has given you such deep insight into His word, it’s amazing. Keep walking in wisdom, favour and stature sis. God bless you.

Thank you sis for being mightily used, and thank you for sharing the word.

Wow am so blessed by this

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