They have become greedy, they seek only after their own needs.
Who will pray for My creation?
Who will pray for the hopeless?
Tears, tears, tears…My heart breaks for My creation.
Each soul that passes into eternity without Me.
Is there a man who will lay down his life and pray for My people?
Is there one who will intercede for the hopeless?

They have become selfish, they seek after wealth and riches.
More and more, they have become like the gentiles who do not seek My Kingdom.
Who will pray for the suicidal who are led to jump to their death?
Who will pray for the hopeless and depressed?
Who will pray for the poor with no hope for tomorrow?
Who will pray for the drug addicts with no hope?
Will you watch and pray even for an hour for My people?
Which one of you who calls My name will fight spiritual battles for My people who don’t know My name?

Isaiah 62:6 (NKJV)
I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; They shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent

[An urgent call to pray for the hopeless & unsaved]

Dephne’s Books

Incorruptible Beauty 
Breaking Soul Ties 
A Woman’s Body Is A Temple 

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2 comments on “The Sleeping Watchman – WHO WILL INTERCEDE FOR THE HOPELESS?

Thank you Lord for repentance. No more through the grace of God will I allow myself to be consumed with self. Thank you so much for all that you do!

Lots of love,

Wow too deep…….Thanx for sharing.

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